“Beauty of Positivity”
Good day or bad
It is still a day we had
We should live our life
Even if it hurts like knifed
Imagine a bright future
A study said it’s a cure
Even forgiving helps too
Bring positivity in all you do
Acceptance is a step to move forward
It keeps us from stepping again backward
Sometimes it is hard to let it pass
But it will make life as green as grass
Do not count the downs
Focus on the bright ones
For existence is the most wonderful time
Use it like it’s a precious dime.
Huffman, J.C. (2017). Positive Psychology for Mood Disorders (PPBPAD). U.S National Library of Medicine. Retrieved from https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01820286?term=positive+psychology&draw=2&rank=4 on March 23, 2022
Ehlis, A.C. (2021). #Stayhealthy - Monitoring and Maintenance of Mental Health Under Conditions of Social Isolation During the Corona Crisis (stay healthy). U.S National Library of Medicine. Retrieved from https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04871386?term=acceptance+positive+psychology&draw=2&rank=2 on March 23, 2022