Lyn from BPS
June 17, 2021
Keep going
Today is my last day for any group sessions/webinar for 2023, and I would say I am grateful for this engagement. For context, it was for...
Ellianna Franzl Q. Areola
October 3, 2022
Do Not Disturb: Mental Health Break from Social Media
As the world continuously progresses with technological advancement equipping us through the journey, people have become more engaged on...
October 1, 2022
Mental Health and Online Learning
Online learning enables the students to create their own spaces that are conducive to focus on the lessons, compared to the traditional...
Jigette Cyril Zalun
September 30, 2022
Harm Reduction Approach to Drug Use: Is there any other option?
The current drug policies governing specifically, the provision of treatment to substance users is limited to the abstinence-only...
Jelyn Deborah P. Balanay
September 29, 2022
"Dangal o Puri? Ano ang mas matimbang?": A manifestation of prioritizing self-interest over pleasing
Truth be told, people are not compelled to please others with their achievements and success. They should not be necessitated to seek...
Caitland G. Camper
September 28, 2022
Suicide rates in the Philippines during the COVID 19 Pandemic
COVID-19 is an infectious disease that is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 Virus. A lot of people have been infected with this type of disease...
Jeremy Irish R. San Pedro
September 27, 2022
Acad Break Cutie
Almost all students are anxious to have a vacation from attending classes in their school. Right now, we have this thing called the new...
Talastas, Ariadne
September 26, 2022
The Hands of the Violent that He will Never Forget
Reddened and bruised, he felt. The hands of the violent that he will never forget. “You never do good, son!” he heard, followed by a hit...
Aljean Mae L. Delorino
September 24, 2022
The self is like a big canvas that you can paint as you go on with your life. The paint represents your experiences that can make the...
Charel Leira Z. Lamatao
September 23, 2022
“Beauty of Positivity”
“Beauty of Positivity” Good day or bad It is still a day we had We should live our life Even if it hurts like knifed Imagine a bright...
Trisha Karylle J. Yap
September 22, 2022
Psychology of Forgiveness: How Understanding Psychology Helps us to Forgive
At some point in our life, we find ourselves struggling to forgive, and several reasons lead us to think that forgiveness is completely...
Jan Macy Marcelo
September 21, 2022
From Nostalgia to Solastalgia: How Climate Change Affect Mental Health
“Who died?” “Almost everyone.” This is how devastated Filipinos feel since the COVID-19 pandemic started in the Philippines. It has...